WINS: SC21 Call for Participation Deadline Extended to 1/29/2021 Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to provide an update on the WINS application process for SC21. We have extended the application deadline for WINS by two weeks, to Friday, January 29, 2021.
We continue to be in regular contact with the SC Committee, including updates on changes to the SC21 schedule. Additional information on SC21 planning for COVID-19 can be found on the SC website here.
The health and safety of the WINS participants is our primary concern. We understand the evolving challenges associated with the current COVID-19 environment, particularly associated with travel authorization. We understand that as of the application deadline
it may be difficult for the applicant and/or her management to provide a definitive statement regarding travel authorization as part of the application. We recommend that the submitted materials indicate that intent is to participate in SCinet either in a physical or virtual capacity.
The application deadline is January 29, 2021 at 11:59pm AoE; award notifications will be sent by late February 2021. You can access the application here:
WINS Management Team