SUBJECT: WINS: SC25 Call for Participation, Registration: Opens December 2, 2024
Important information for potential WINS applicants
- If you are interested in SCinet participation and have organizational funding and support, please contact SCinet for more information and available volunteer opportunities.
- Full-time students that wish to work as a student volunteer for the SC25 Conference, including with SCinet, should apply through the SC25 Student Volunteer program.
Before you apply, there are a few key things to understand
- The SC Committee, which includes SCinet, is fully composed of volunteers from around the globe that are talented and dedicated individuals. As a part of the SCinet team, you will be working to complete an incredible amount of coordinated work in a short timeframe and against real deadlines. Each team member is important – they’re expected to be present and contribute to the team, complete the assigned tasks, and communicate effectively with teammates. (Think of this as “on the job training” while delivering the world’s fastest temporary network.)
- As a SCinet team member, you will have the opportunity to learn from top experts in their field and have the ability to add them to your professional network. In turn, you will have the opportunity to provide input, demonstrate your expertise, and teach other professionals about your great ideas and solutions.
- Everyone’s level of professionalism, knowledge, skills, desire to learn, and willingness to help get the job done are critical to the team’s success.
- Each year, the SCinet Committee includes multi-year veterans of the program, first time volunteers, and everyone in between. Some people have worked on many different teams, while others stick with the same team for years – it’s up to each person if they’re invited back.
- The SCinet team works hard, helps each other, and has a lot of fun in the process! Most volunteers and prior WINS awardees have formed life-long friendships and professional contacts through their involvement with the SC Conference.
- If you are selected, the time commitment is real. Please make sure you, your family, friends, and your employer understand this. (Thus the required Letter of Support from your employer.)
Expected Travel Dates:
* SCinet Sprints: Spring 2025
* SCinet Staging: October 26 – 31, 2025
* SCinet Setup: November 9 – 16, 2025
* SCinet Live Operations/SC25 Conference and SCinet teardown: Nov 16-22, 2025
Participation may require work over weekends during Staging, Setup, and Show, and can be more than 8 hours per day.
Participants also receive a complimentary conference registration, which includes the world’s leading technical program on all facets of high performance computing and networking.
WINS Application and components
In addition to completing the application form, you’ll also need to include the following PDF attachments:
- Statement of Interest letter including diversity statement
- Résumé or CV (curriculum vitae)
- Letter of Support from your employer
Tips and notes on completing your application and materials
- Review the team descriptions on the application and consider new areas and duties. Team placement will depend on several factors, including but not limited to: applicant’s selection/ranking, skills and interests, SCinet team needs, schedules, and team size.
- Please make sure your statement of interest letter or résumé highlights your professional experience, including technical skills and soft skills, related to your requested team placement.
- WINS strives to place applicants into teams that best fit professional goals and expectations. The more detail you can provide in you application materials related to your professional goals and expectations in general and how they relate to your preferred SCinet teams, the more effectively we can place you on a SCinet team.
- Please have someone review your application materials prior to submission to ensure you have effectively answered all of the questions.
Statement of Interest letter:
- This letter should tell us a little bit about yourself and why you are applying to the WINS Program .including what you hope to achieve through your participation in WINS and how it would benefit your organization or company if you are selected.
- WINS is dedicated to enhancing the diversity of the research and education community, particularly within Information Technology disciplines. Please describe how you, based on your personal background and life experiences (including social, cultural, familial, educational, or other opportunities or challenges) will contribute to this mission during and after participation in WINS.
Résumé or CV:
- Should be no more than 2 pages in length.
- Information should include your technical skills, professional work experience, education and any leadership or collaborative activities that relate to your professional abilities.
- Consider sharing your résumé or CV with a colleague, manager, or mentor for feedback and suggestions.
The Letter of Support from your employer should include most, if not all, of the following items:
- Recommendation for the applicant to participate in the WINS program;
- Brief list of applicant qualifications and accomplishments in their current role;
- Brief statement on why the applicant (and home organization, if desired) would benefit from participating in WINS;
- Statement of support for the applicant, if awarded, for being away from the office and daily work tasks during the full duration of SC25 setup and conference. This will provide the applicant time to focus on SCinet-related tasks and training as assigned;
- Organizational relationship between the applicant and the letter author/signatory (applicant’s manager, Director, etc.);
- Name, title, and signature of the author/signatory of the letter.
The letter of support should not exceed one page.
View the SC25 WINS Call for Participation