Come see WINS in action this fall in St. Louis, Missouri! Links to the official SC website for more information on how to participate or attend here—> SC21

Come see WINS in action this fall in St. Louis, Missouri! Links to the official SC website for more information on how to participate or attend here—> SC21
Meet the amazing women that will be working with WINS in SC21! Follow this link here…
WINS: SC21 Call for Participation Deadline Extended to 1/29/2021 Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to provide an update on the WINS application process for SC21. We have extended the application deadline for WINS by two weeks, to Friday, January 29, 2021.
We continue to be in regular contact with the SC Committee, including updates on changes to the SC21 schedule. Additional information on SC21 planning for COVID-19 can be found on the SC website here.
The health and safety of the WINS participants is our primary concern. We understand the evolving challenges associated with the current COVID-19 environment, particularly associated with travel authorization. We understand that as of the application deadline
it may be difficult for the applicant and/or her management to provide a definitive statement regarding travel authorization as part of the application. We recommend that the submitted materials indicate that intent is to participate in SCinet either in a physical or virtual capacity.
The application deadline is January 29, 2021 at 11:59pm AoE; award notifications will be sent by late February 2021. You can access the application here:
WINS Management Team
November 19th, 2020, 1 – 2:30pm
Moderator: Marla Meehl
Panelists attending: Angie Asmus, Jessica Shaffer, Julie Locke, and Soledad Toledano
Access article here — >
WINS Selection Committee Announces the SC20 Awardees
“This year, WINS selected from a pool of especially qualified candidates, representing a variety of universities and national labs. Three participants were carefully chosen by the review committee, led by Huntoon.
“Selecting the top candidates was not easy due to the high quality of the applications,” Meehl, co-PI of the WINS program, said. “We want to thank the review committee for their diligent work in picking the participants.”” (Baissac-Hayden, 2020)
Article by Christine Baissac-Hayden
Read more here…
New Mexico Tech council celebrates women in technology
Kimball Sekaquaptewa one of the WINS awardees from last year was awarded by the NM tech council.
“The New Mexico Technology Council honored six women for their career achievements and efforts to mentor and inspire others in an all-virtual celebration July 9 that attracted hundreds of viewers.” (Robinson-Avila, 2020)
Article by Kevin Robinson-Avila
HPCwire Reveals Winners of the 2019 Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards at SC19 Conference in Denver
Readers’ Choice: Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) has funded 44 women (32 first-time participants and 12 returning participants) to contribute to SCinet since its inception in 2015.
The Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) was honored with the Readers’ Choice Award for Workforce Diversity Leadership in the annual HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards, presented at the 2019 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.