to design and create SCinet. The women who participate in WINS are empowered to thrive and
achieve success in their chosen career. “ - Forough Ghahramani , EdD, Assistant Vice President
for Research, Innovation, and Sponsored Programs
New Jersey Edge
When WINS was created in 2015, less than 14% of SCinet volunteers were women. Since then,
that amount has tripled with a significant number of the alumni ascending to SCinet
management roles such as Angie Asmus from Colorado State University.
As one of the original WINS awardees, Amus was selected among peers to serve as the SC24
Chair of SCinet, the top position a volunteer can hold on the SCinet committee. “WINS was
initially started to close the gender gap, but it has become so much more. The opportunity
WINS has given me, and other ladies involved in SCinet has been pivotal in our careers. It has
provided hands-on networking experience, public-speaking practice, a trusted community, and
leadership opportunities that have opened the doors for many of us to advance in our careers.
Seeing WINS participants grow and develop into leaders in SCinet and their home institutions is
exciting. I would not have had the career advancement or the opportunity to lead the great
SCinet organization without my experience in WINS. I’m excited to lead all of the SCinet
volunteers, especially the WINS participants and alumni at SC24.”
In addition to the SCinet experience, WINS provides ongoing support and career development
opportunities for awardees before, during, and after the conference. This includes monthly calls
for the community of WINS alumni participants which now tops 45 women.
WINS is a joint effort between the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), the
Department of Energy’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and Indiana University. To date,
financial support for the WINS program has come from a combination of funding, with the
original core funding from the NSF (144064, 1640987 and 2129723) and additional funding from
the joint partners as well as other contributors including: : NREL, Internet2, Ciena, Meta,
Juniper, KINBER, Pacific Northwest GigaPoP (PNWGP), Northern Tier Network Consortium
(NTNC), The Quilt and Purdue University. Members of the WINS management team include
Marla Meehl and Scott Baily of UCAR; Kate Robinson and Jason Zurawski of ESnet; Brenna
Meade from Indiana University; Wendy Huntoon of AIHEC; and Kimball Sekaquaptewa with
Santa Fe Indian School.